Thursday, March 23, 2017

Ace Luciano is testing Maluna Coolers in the desert of Arizona to see if they are as good as they say they are.
"Maluna coolers bring innovation to a market where everyone thought innovation was over"- Ace Luciano

Maluna Coolers- Innovating an Industry Bereft of Innovation.

 Scott Hoyt, inventor and CEO of Maluna coolers, claims three main components to Maluna's superiority in the existing cooler market.

The first is, of course, PERFORMANCE.
 A Maluna cooler performs 20% better against the main competitors in the market place (as a matter of fact, there is a great comparison between the Maluna cooler and Yeti coolers on the kickstarter page showing a greater than 20% increased performance.)

 The second component is FEATURES.
Things like an innovative drain plug with a temperature gauge built-in.  Cooler feet that flip over depending on surface needs. Handles that can tie down while you can still open the lid. And let's not forget- an integrated bottle opener.

  The third, and perhaps most important component is VALUE.
 Remember this phrase – "VALUE is not PRICE."
 Maluna is neither of the highest priced cooler, nor is it the lowest, but it arguably comes in as the best all-around "value" on the marketplace today. The average time for premium coolers to hold ice is approximately five days. If Maluna increases that time by 20%, that's an EXTRA 24 hours of "cool time"... or even MORE.
 That could mean an extra day in the field.
It could be the difference between food spoiling and keeping in hot conditions.

 In the desert and mountains of the southwest United States, it could even mean the difference between survival and death.

 That's where Ace Luciano comes in.

 A transplanted Midwesterner, Ace currently spends a great deal of his time in the outdoors in the desert, on the lakes, and in the mountains of Arizona and New Mexico.
Ace bills himself as "A Hunter, a Fisherman, and Outdoorsman, but also a Husband, Father, Nomad and Adventurer."

"The places I go and the things I do necessitate the highest and best quality gear out there. Many of my travels and adventures take me places that are far away from not only the conveniences of modern life, but things like help and medical assistance, should it be needed.
Many times My life depends on quality, dependable, and effective products.  If my waterproof apparel does not keep me dry, or my insulating apparel does not keep me warm, death from exposure is a very real possibility.  Failure of a knife, a bow, a crossbow or firearm  can not only cause injuries, but further complicate what may already be a rather dangerous situation.
I am very particular as to the products and brands that I endorse – and I am looking forward to putting the Maluna cooler through its paces."

Check out the Maluna cooler at their website,, and be sure to view their "Kickstarter" page HERE where you can get "pre-launch" pricing and all the information about comparison tests.

 For more information about Ace Luciano, the products he endorses and recommends, putting your product in front of thousands of your ideal customers, and connections directly into the right people at the right places in the outdoor world, visit

Monday, March 20, 2017

Do Some Good for The Gun World, and HELP KIDS.

Folks, there has never been a better opportunity for you to do some real good for the gun world.

Right now, Gun Digest is having a BLOWOUT SALE on their "Instructional" library- including the Amazon Bestselling book, "Guns the Right Way" by Yours Truly.
You can also peruse the rest of the library, pick up a couple of other books, and enter the code "FREESHIP1040G" to get free shipping on any order over $40.

If you know people that have kids, know kids that are interested in guns, or know parents of kids that have ever asked about guns, SEND THEM THIS LINK.

This week you can get a copy of "The" definitive guide to kids and guns for NOT the cover price of $16.99...

Not the SALE price of $13.99

No- not even the e-book price of $8.99...

THIS WEEK ONLY you can pick up MULTIPLE copies of, "Guns the Right Way" for just...

5 BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right.
Just $5.00.
That's less than a Venti Mocha Latte from the local anti-gun coffee shop.

WHAT I WOULD RECOMMEND YOU DO (and not just because I wrote the book- there's no money in giving away books for cost!)

Buy 8 or 10 copies. Give one to each of your kid's schools. Bring one to the local library. Take a few to the local sportsman's club and put them out.

Use this link

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Ace Luciano believes that it's time for the firearm and hunting industry to go on OFFENSE.
It's time for the firearm industry and those of us in it to be "Offensive." 

That's right… It's time to be offensive. 

No, I don't mean vulgar, crude, or injecting yourself into someone's "safe space" such that they break down. 
 I mean that it is time for us  in the hunting, firearms, and shooting world  to go on OFFENSE. 
I have just returned from the 39th annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show, and the mood there was one of almost giddy euphoria- after a collective sigh of relief. 

 For the better part of  three different president's respective terms, and certainly most of the last decade, we have had to entirely play DEFENSE.

 One could argue that for several years under the previous Republican administration we had to constantly play defense with a democratic controlled house and senate. 
 Every time there was a tragedy, we had to fight. We had to be constantly reactive instead of proactive. The tragedy of Columbine high school caused the flurry of new gun control bills across the country, and I'll cry from many people that had previously been "on the fence" to allow  for what had come to be one of the left's favorite terms – "common sense" gun control. 
 As with many things in politics, this deliberate misnomer was used to lead the low-information voter and uninformed general public down a clearly defined path of oppression, registration, and confiscation. 

 The only thing "common sense" about gun control is that it is an entirely ridiculous concept.
Ace Luciano believes that "The only thing 'Common Sense' about gun control is that it is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS."
Ace Believes that gun control is a foolish concept devised by weak people

 You do not need to petition the government for a speedy trial. You do not need to petition the government or get a permit before you are allowed to keep silent. 
 Our founding fathers were very clear when they added the terminology "shall not be infringed" at the end of the second amendment. They were great discussions about the wording of the Second Amendment and what they meant regarding "the people" and what the term "militia" meant. 

 The entire theory of gun control is predicated upon the fact that criminals, who, by definition, do not obey laws, will all of a sudden decide to obey laws because they are now written regarding guns.
Even worse are what I refer to as the "Double-Dog-Laws" 
What's this? 
It's when some weak politician gets up on a stage using some recent tragedy as a platform for their firearm control agenda and repeats rhetoric such as "Criminals shouldn't be able to have guns," or, "People who are mentally unstable should not be allowed to possess guns." - both of which are ALREADY ILLEGAL- so we, therefore, must now make them "Double-Dog-Illegal" because THAT will change things and we REALLY MEAN ILLEGAL!!

 This past November there was a clear rejection of the policies, politics, and ideals of the most recent presidential administration. 
 For the first time in many years the presidency, house, and senate are all under Republican majority control. 

 Now is the time to be OFFENSIVE. 

We need a clear, decisive and rapid plan for the RESTORATION (no-not EXPANSION- they are OUR RIGHTS that have been taken away)  of our rights. 

Here are a few to start: 

1. Nationwide Concealed Carry Reciprocity. 
We do this already with things like driver's licenses, vehicle registrations, etc. that are privileges rather than rights.My right to protection and self-preservation should certainly not end at state lines. 

2. Removal of Short Barreled Rifle and Suppression devices from the registration list, and elimination of the "tax stamp" in general.
Only the government could come up with these ones- that guns must be loud enough to damage hearing for all and that a large handgun possessed and fired from the hand or two hands is legal- but to fire that same gun from the shoulder is not. 

3. Nationwide transportation standards 
This one is a doozy. The standard for safe transportation of weapons should be just that- STANDARD.
 We once had a client fly through New York once on an African Safari. He had to grab his luggage and proceed through customs. This client is also a smoker, so, after taking his cased, locked, unloaded firearms case off of the conveyor belt, he stepped outside to have a cigarette. 
One of New York's "Less-Than-Finest" came over and engaged him in conversation, asked him where he was going, and what was in the case.
The short story- He was ARRESTED, his rifles and a shot gun CONFISCATED, jailed and missed his flight. The ensuing legal process was actually rather simple- go to New York and fight or pay a massive fine for an "ordinance violation" and another massive "Processing fee" to get his guns back. The best part- there was NO STANDARD set or way to address this situation. 
If my car is legal in Arizona, I don't have to register or do anything different with it when I cross the border into any other state- including CALIFORNIA. This should be the same with guns. 

4. Withdrawal of federal funds for cities that infringe on the rights of their citizens to keep and bear arms.
See: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York. 
Enough said. 

Will the incoming administration hold to their promise of "gun rights" and protection of the Second Amendment? 
Time will tell, but things look good so far. 

So, what do YOU think?
Is it time to "be offensive?"
Let Ace know in the comments below!

"Ace" Luciano is a Hunter, Fisherman, Outdoorsman, Sales Executive, Author, Writer, and, perhaps most importantly, husband and father to 4 great kids.
Learn more about Ace through his website,

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

You CAN'T...

Ace Luciano is a hunting fishing and outdoor sales and marketing executive. Ace can build your company or products no matter what they are. Call Ace Luciano Today
Ace Luciano is a firm believer in the "Can vs. Can't" Philosophy
...And you're RIGHT.

However, YOU CAN....
...and you are, also, RIGHT.

Sometimes, Life Is Hard, and it's Easy to Get Down...

The problem is that most people, most of the time use "Can't" when they should really use the term, "W-O-N-'T"
It's not that you CAN'T get the money- it's that you WON'T take the extra classes, go BACK to school, PAY for the training, hire the consultant or coach, work the longer hours, the second job, or go for the better job to GET IT.
It's not that you CAN'T lose the weight, or that you CAN'T quit smoking, or that you CAN'T get that boat...or go on that dream hunting trip...or live in that dream location...

It's that you WON'T do what it takes- whatever that is- to get it done.
I know what you're saying to yourself RIGHT NOW.
You're making the excuses-and, as my dear friend and mentor Steve Sipress says-
"You can make excuses, or you can make money, but you can't make both."

How would I know?
You see, I was never supposed to be here...

I was supposed to be a DOCTOR.
I learned, I studied, and tread the path laid out for me... and FAILED.
Over and over.

It was rather exhausting- working three part-time jobs, studying all night, taking classes after graduating college...
The truth is, I was ALLOWING myself to fail- because it wasn't where I really wanted to be.
Once I realized that, my life got a LOT easier.
I was BORN to sell, and DESTINED to be in the outdoor world- but it certainly wasn't easy.

I worked for FREE for over a year.
I spend THOUSANDS of dollars travelling, meeting, and entertaining.
I wrote and wrote and wrote article after article... and was rejected.
I applied to EVERY JOB I COULD FIND- and was given the most ABSURD excuses.
"You've never sold "apparel" before."
The foolish, "You're rather "overqualified" for this position...
"You have a lot of sales experience, but none "in the industry."
and, my personal favorite, the generic, "Though your resume is impressive, we have decided to move forward with another candidate."

Then, things began to happen. I made my own waves. I turned down jobs offered to me, and I began to carve my own path.
I learned how to POSITION myself.
Ironically, I was relating my story to someone that is a huge sports fan that let me know a BUNCH of similarities to a professional athlete that were directly related to my struggles.

Check out the NFL history report for this athlete.

Second string QB for high school team that went 0-8 Freshman year.
Started Sophomore year because no other QB went out.
Varsity passing: 219 passes for 3,514 yards and 33 touchdowns
Baseball catcher and football quarterback in high school who was drafted for MLB in the 18th round of the June 1995 baseball draft. Opted for football and redshirted in '95 as #7 QB on the depth chart.

Saw limited action in '96 and '97 and started '98 and '99.

Poor build. Very skinny and narrow. Ended final season weighing 195 pounds and still "looked like a rail" at 211. Looks a little frail and lacks great physical stature and strength. Can get pushed down more easily than we'd like. Lacks mobility and ability to avoid the rush. Lacks a really strong arm. Can't drive the ball down the field and does not throw a really tight spiral. System-type player who can get exposed if he must ad-lib and do things on his own.
Vertical jump- lowest of peers.
40 yard dash time: Lowest ever

Seems to have decent field view and decision making ability.

Chosen as the 199th pick of the 2000 NFL draft.
Almost didn't make the team.

Has thrown 456 Touchdown passes in the NFL- the 4th most ever.
Has 61,582 passing yards- the third most EVER.
Has thrown the second most TD passes in a single season- 50.
Has played in 7 Superbowls and WON 5- the most EVER.

In case you haven't figured it out- this athlete is Tom Brady, and he was never supposed to be here, let alone WIN.

Remember that the next time you think things are "hard." or that you "can't"
Remember - "CAN'T" could easily be spelled "W-O-N-'T"

I'm not, nor have I ever been a New England Patriots fan, but I am certainly an admirer of Tom Brady.
He wanted it.
He wanted it bad enough to work for it- to put HOURS in the gym and the weight room. HOURS running through plays. HOURS visualizing outcomes and wins.

Yes, Tom Brady proved beyond a doubt that championships are won not just on the FIELD, but in the extra minutes of practice, the extra hours of lifting weights, and the night after night after night after night studying, learning, and practicing...


What's your excuse?
Too small?

Not smart enough?

Not strong enough?

Everyone else is better? Faster? Stronger?

Not enough MONEY?

Learn the lessons here- that one of the oldest players in the league just set the all time record for championship wins-

...and he was never even supposed to be there.
That can be you.

What types of obstacles have been in YOUR way?
What have you done to overcome them?

Do you need help with a challenge?
Please use the comments below to let us all know.